Grout Removal Tool



Regrout Tool

Availability: 在庫あり

通常価格: $69.99

特別価格: $55.88



Regrout Tool - Electric Grout Remover
The Professionals Choice
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The Easiest Way To Remove Grout 1/8" Or Less!

The Best Grout Removal Tool on the Market, including an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee!!

Just awared the DIY PRODUCT OF THE YEAR in Europe!! (see awards here, note: our tool is called 'Grout Out' in Europe)

- Powerful Motor
- Vented Case
- Lightweight
- Easy To Use
- 3 Speed Pneumatic Action
- 2 Tungsten Carbide Tips
- 120V Power  for use in North America / Canada

Old, mildew-stained grout is ugly to look at and a pain in the neck to clean. Old grout is also unsound. As it dissolves, the resulting damage means your property, along with your bank account, is going to take a big hit.  Should you replace your tile altogether? We have a better idea. You can save up to 90% of that cost and make your existing tile look like new again – Remove grout easily with the Regrout Tool!

The Regrout Tool preserves valuable surface materials in your home, business or crafts: Marble, granite, travertine, limestone, glass – even delicate, antique porcelain and transfer tile -- while removing grout right down to the sub floor or wall.
Kitchen & Bath Remodelers, General Contractors, Architects, Designers, Glaziers, Plumbers, Realtors, Property Managers, Hospitals, Hotels, Restaurants, Home Owners, Crafters and more, all use the Regrout Tool.

The Regrout Tool is a lightweight, hand-held, adjustable speed device that removes both sanded and non-sanded grout. Two different Tungsten Carbide Tips tackle any tile line and chisel grout loose rather than grind it up. Don’t be fooled by its slim, vented body size. This grout-buster houses a powerful electric motor and its vibrating motion won’t damage existing tile.

You don’t have to be a tile installation expert to use the Regrout Tool. For one thing, it requires far less elbow grease than old-fashioned removal tools like a scraper, a grout saw, screw driver, can opener, or expensive, heavy, rotary electric tools that chip and scratch.

The Regrout Tool carves away old grout – fast and easy – just like a knife cutting through butter. It’s the only tool on the market that can maneuver around corners and tackle grout lines that aren’t straight. Even grout width or tile misalignment will never slow it down.

Grout removal used to be a labor-intensive activity that took days. But the Regrout Tool lets you complete almost any job in a fraction of the time and much less mess!

Now you can purchase the type of quality tool tiling professionals use!  The Regrout Tool removes grout from narrow or un-even lines and rounds corners -- flawlessly and dust free. It is completely safe and virtually mistake-proof.  Regrout a shower or bath in less than half the time it takes using other products.  The Regrout tool boasts a powerful motor, yet it’s so safe, you can stop its vibrating carbine tips with your finger.

For the Homeowner: 

- The Regrout Tool is easy and fast. Different size tips remove grout from showers sinks, floors, counter tops and tiling projects with a pulsing action.
- Saves you money on tile replacement.
- Eliminates expensive contractors/remodelers
- It’s green! You can reuse existing tile and make it look new. It also preserves valuable, irreplaceable antique tile.
- Safe
- Avoids chipping and scratching
- Can be adjusted for speed and precision
- The perfect tool for removing sanded and non-sanded grout


For the Pro:

- The Regrout Tool is dustless, so it won’t create an unsightly mess at the job site
- Cuts down on work time because it’s fast and easy to use
- Can be adjusted for speed and precision
- Enables you to maneuver around corners and tackle older grout lines that may not be straight
- Sturdy
- Safe
- Avoids chipping and scratching your client’s existing tile
- Invented by a professional tiling expert
- The perfect tool for removing sanded and non-sanded grout


 For the Crafter:

- The Regrout Tool is easy and fast-It’s green! You can reuse existing tile and make it look new. It also preserves valuable, irreplaceable antique tile.
- Safe
- Enables you to maneuver around corners and tackle older grout lines that may not be straight, like the kind found in mosaics.
- Affordable and powerful
- Can be adjusted for speed and precision
- Small and easy to store

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